How To Use HOA-Colors
- Login, or register for a new account.
- Go to "Find My HOA" to search for your Homeowners Association.
- Input 'Community Code' provided by your HOA management.
- Add Home, Select Colors, View them on your home, and submit for Approval.
- Paint!
Take a few moments to watch this short video and see how easy HOA-Colors is to use!
Video coming soon...
HOA Managers:
- Login or Resgister a new account.
- Go to "HOA Management", and click the "Purchasae a Subscription" button.
- Fill out the form with the required information and make your payment.
- You will also set the inital configurations for the community rules and specific settings for the approval by your HOA.
Video coming soon...
HOA-Colors only costs homeowners between $1-2 dollars a month. The HOA will pay for a subscription and give the homeowners a "Community Code" to add their home to the HOA's subscription. The homeowner does not need to pay for anything on the site. When it's time to paint and get your exterior colors approved, simply pick the colors you want, see how they will look on your home, and get approved!